
SelectByShuffling() selects features whose random value permutation reduces model performance. If a feature is predictive, shuffling its values across rows will result in predictions that deviate significantly from the actual outcomes. Conversely, if the feature is not predictive, altering the order of its values will have little to no impact on the model’s predictions.


The algorithm operates as follows:

  1. Train a machine learning model using all available features.

  2. Establish a baseline performance metric for the model.

  3. Shuffle the values of a single feature while keeping all other features unchanged.

  4. Use the model from step 1 to generate predictions with the shuffled feature.

  5. Measure the model’s performance based on these new predictions.

  6. If the performance drops beyond a predefined threshold, retain the feature.

  7. Repeat steps 3-6 for each feature until all have been evaluated.

Python Example#

Let’s see how to use SelectByShuffling() with the diabetes dataset that comes with Scikit-learn. First, we load the data:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from feature_engine.selection import SelectByShuffling

X, y = load_diabetes(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)

In the following output, we see the diabetes dataset:

        age       sex       bmi        bp        s1        s2        s3  \
0  0.038076  0.050680  0.061696  0.021872 -0.044223 -0.034821 -0.043401
1 -0.001882 -0.044642 -0.051474 -0.026328 -0.008449 -0.019163  0.074412
2  0.085299  0.050680  0.044451 -0.005670 -0.045599 -0.034194 -0.032356
3 -0.089063 -0.044642 -0.011595 -0.036656  0.012191  0.024991 -0.036038
4  0.005383 -0.044642 -0.036385  0.021872  0.003935  0.015596  0.008142

         s4        s5        s6
0 -0.002592  0.019907 -0.017646
1 -0.039493 -0.068332 -0.092204
2 -0.002592  0.002861 -0.025930
3  0.034309  0.022688 -0.009362
4 -0.002592 -0.031988 -0.046641

Now, we set up a machine learning model. We’ll use a linear regression:

linear_model = LinearRegression()

Now, we set up SelectByShuffling() to select features by shuffling. We’ll examine the change in the r2 using 3 fold cross-validation.

The parameter threshold is left to None, which means that features will be selected if the performance drop is bigger than the mean drop caused by all features.

tr = SelectByShuffling(

The fit`() method identifies important variables—those whose value permutations lead to a decline in model performance. The transform() method then removes these variables from the dataset.

Xt = tr.fit_transform(X, y)

SelectByShuffling() stores the performance of the model trained using all the features in its attribute:


In the following output we see the r2 of the linear regression trained and evaluated on the entire dataset, without shuffling, using cross-validation.


In the following sections, we’ll explore some of the additional useful data stored by SelectByShuffling().

Evaluating feature importance#

SelectByShuffling() stores the change in the model performance caused by shuffling every feature.


In the following output, we see the change in the linear regression r2 after shuffling each feature:

{'age': -0.0054698043007869734,
 'sex': 0.03325633986510784,
 'bmi': 0.184158237207512,
 'bp': 0.10089894421748086,
 's1': 0.49324432634948095,
 's2': 0.21163252880660438,
 's3': 0.02006839198785859,
 's4': 0.011098050006761673,
 's5': 0.4828781996541602,
 's6': 0.003963360084439538}

SelectByShuffling() stores the standard deviation of the performance change:


In the following output, we see the variability of the change in r2 after feature shuffling:

{'age': 0.012788500580799392,
 'sex': 0.040792331972680645,
 'bmi': 0.042212436355346106,
 'bp': 0.05397012536801143,
 's1': 0.35198797776358015,
 's2': 0.167636042355086,
 's3': 0.03455158514716544,
 's4': 0.007755675852874145,
 's5': 0.1449579162698361,
 's6': 0.011193022434166025}

We can plot the performance change together with the standard deviation to get a better idea of how shuffling features affect the model performance:

r = pd.concat([
], axis=1
r.columns = ['mean', 'std']

r['mean'][r['std'], r['std']], subplots=True)

plt.title("Performance drift elicited by shuffling a feature")
plt.ylabel('Mean performance drift')

In the following image we see the change in performance resulting from shuffling each feature:


With this set up, features that elicited a mean performance drop greater than the mean performance of all features, will be removed. If, for any reason, this threshold is too conservative or too permissive, by analysing the former barplot, you can get a better idea of how these features affect the predictions of the model, and select a different threshold.

Checking out the eliminated features#

SelectByShuffling() stores the features that will be dropped based on a certain threshold:


The following features were deemed as non-important, because their performance drift is greater than the mean performance drift of all features:

['age', 'sex', 'bp', 's3', 's4', 's6']

If we now print the transformed data, we see that the features above were removed.


In the following output, we see the dataframe with the selected features:

        bmi        s1        s2        s5
0  0.061696 -0.044223 -0.034821  0.019907
1 -0.051474 -0.008449 -0.019163 -0.068332
2  0.044451 -0.045599 -0.034194  0.002861
3 -0.011595  0.012191  0.024991  0.022688
4 -0.036385  0.003935  0.015596 -0.031988

Additional resources#

For more details about this and other feature selection methods check out these resources:


Feature Selection for Machine Learning#

Or read our book:


Feature Selection in Machine Learning#

Both our book and course are suitable for beginners and more advanced data scientists alike. By purchasing them you are supporting Sole, the main developer of Feature-engine.