.. _arbitrary_discretiser: .. currentmodule:: feature_engine.discretisation ArbitraryDiscretiser ==================== The :class:`ArbitraryDiscretiser()` sorts the variable values into contiguous intervals which limits are arbitrarily defined by the user. Thus, you must provide a dictionary with the variable names as keys and a list with the limits of the intervals as values, when setting up the discretiser. The :class:`ArbitraryDiscretiser()` works only with numerical variables. The discretiser will check that the variables entered by the user are present in the train set and cast as numerical. Example ------- Let's take a look at how this transformer works. First, let's load a dataset and plot a histogram of a continuous variable. We use the california housing dataset that comes with Scikit-learn. .. code:: python import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing from feature_engine.discretisation import ArbitraryDiscretiser X, y = fetch_california_housing( return_X_y=True, as_frame=True) X['MedInc'].hist(bins=20) plt.xlabel('MedInc') plt.ylabel('Number of obs') plt.title('Histogram of MedInc') plt.show() In the following plot we see a histogram of the variable median income: .. image:: ../../images/medinc_hist.png Now, let's discretise the variable into arbitrarily determined intervals. We want the intervals as integers in the resulting transformation, so we set `return_boundaries` to `False`. .. code:: python user_dict = {'MedInc': [0, 2, 4, 6, np.inf]} transformer = ArbitraryDiscretiser( binning_dict=user_dict, return_object=False, return_boundaries=False) X = transformer.fit_transform(X) Now, we can go ahead and plot the variable after the transformation: .. code:: python X['MedInc'].value_counts().plot.bar(rot=0) plt.xlabel('MedInc - bins') plt.ylabel('Number of observations') plt.title('Discretised MedInc') plt.show() In the following plot we see the number of observations per interval: .. image:: ../../images/medinc_disc_arbitrarily.png Note that in the above figure the intervals are represented by digits. Alternatively, we can return the interval limits in the discretised variable by setting `return_boundaries` to `True`. .. code:: python X, y = fetch_california_housing( return_X_y=True, as_frame=True) user_dict = {'MedInc': [0, 2, 4, 6, np.inf]} transformer = ArbitraryDiscretiser( binning_dict=user_dict, return_object=False, return_boundaries=True) X = transformer.fit_transform(X) X['MedInc'].value_counts().plot.bar(rot=0) plt.xlabel('MedInc - bins') plt.ylabel('Number of observations') plt.title('Discretised MedInc') plt.show() In the following plot we see the number of observations per interval: .. image:: ../../images/medinc_disc_arbitrarily2.png **Discretisation plus encoding** If we return the interval values as integers, the discretiser has the option to return the transformed variable as integer or as object. Why would we want the transformed variables as object? Categorical encoders in Feature-engine are designed to work with variables of type object by default. Thus, if you wish to encode the returned bins further, say to try and obtain monotonic relationships between the variable and the target, you can do so seamlessly by setting `return_object` to True. You can find an example of how to use this functionality `here `_. Additional resources -------------------- Check also: - `Jupyter notebook `_ - `Jupyter notebook - Discretiser plus Mean Encoding `_ For more details about this and other feature engineering methods check out these resources: .. figure:: ../../images/feml.png :width: 300 :figclass: align-center :align: left :target: https://www.trainindata.com/p/feature-engineering-for-machine-learning Feature Engineering for Machine Learning | | | | | | | | | | Or read our book: .. figure:: ../../images/cookbook.png :width: 200 :figclass: align-center :align: left :target: https://www.packtpub.com/en-us/product/python-feature-engineering-cookbook-9781835883587 Python Feature Engineering Cookbook | | | | | | | | | | | | | Both our book and course are suitable for beginners and more advanced data scientists alike. By purchasing them you are supporting Sole, the main developer of Feature-engine.